Meine Sammlung seltsamer, interessanter, schöner und obskurer Wikipedia-Artikel
Deutsche Wikipedia
- Cargo-Kult und Cargo-Kult-Wissenschaft
- Gabriels Horn
- Große Halle
- Heavy-Metal-Umlaut
- Henne-Ei-Problem
- Infinite-Monkey-Theorem
- Klassische Probleme der antiken Mathematik
- Leck mich im Arsch
- Möbiusband
- Münchhausen-Trilemma
- Newcombs Problem
- Problem des Handlungsreisenden
- Saure-Gurken-Problem
- Seltsame Schleife
- Sweden Solar System
- Theorie der hohlen Erde
- UVB-76
- Viktor Lustig
- Weißwurstäquator
- Ziegenproblem
Englische Wikipedia
- Acme Corporation
- Acoustic Kitty
- Anscombe’s quartet
- Any Key
- Baseball metaphors for sex
- Boiling frog
- Buffalo buffalo
- Cargo cult and Cargo cult science
- Chicken or the egg
- Compass and straightedge constructions
- Cummingtonite
- Euthanasia Coaster
- Feynman point
- Feynman sprinkler
- Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
- ID-10-T Error
- Konami Code
- Lion-Eating Poet in the Stone Den
- Metal umlaut
- Münchhausen Trilemma
- Not even wrong
- Parkinson’s Law of Triviality
- Person from Porlock
- Radioactive Boy Scout
- Red pill and blue pill
- Russian political jokes
- Russian Woodpecker
- Sound of fingernails scraping chalkboard
- The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever
- The Market for Lemons
- Toilet paper orientation
- Volkshalle
Letztes Update: 02.07.2012