6. Januar 2008

Flash Cookies

Category: Datenschutz,Produkte,Tipps & Tricks — Christian @ 21:22
    LSO, also known as Flash Cookies or Flash Shared Objects, are somewhat nasty: There are persistent across browsers, don’t get deleted on browser exit nor is there an obvious way for viewing and managing them. One possibility is to use NoScript, disable Flash entirely or disable read/write access to the directories where they get stored is another. But I personally find it interesting to see what sites are actually using those cookies for tracking. So a good solution for this specific issue would something to take back control and have an overview over those sites without giving them access to LSOs.There is one simple solution and it is even supplied by Adobe itself: The Flash Player Settings Manager. It’s actually a Flash movie which is able to access the file system and store the settings.I know, it is weird that it resides on Adobes website and it is far from being perfect at all since it would be much nice to have a real interface to it.“

Direkt geklaut von Fukami. Ich kenne niemanden der sich in Deutschland mit Flash besser auskennt. Es lohnt sich, sein Blog und sein Wiki zu lesen.

Aus den Kommentaren: Für Firefox gibt es die Objection Erweiterung, die ebenfalls LSOs bearbeiten kann.

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    Kommentar by Christian — 15. März 2009 @ 20:04

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